Southern Namibia Hiking & Game Self Drive

19 Day Self Drive Safari

Safari Description:

great self–drive focusing on southern Namibia with terrific hiking in Fish River Canyon and the stunning NamibRand Nature Reserve where you can be at one with nature. This tour also takes you to the Sossusvlei dunes, Swakopmund and Erindi for the chance to enjoy fantastic game–viewing.  A seasonal trip during Namibia’s winter months with the choice of camping and accommodated options

Safari Highlights:

Hiking in Namibia including the Fish River Canyon and NamibRand Nature Reserve; deserts of Kalahari, NamibRand and Namib Naukluft including Sossusvlei area; Klein Aus and Luderitz/Kolmanskop Ghost Town option; Swakopmund coastal town & Skeleton Coast; Erindi Private Reserve for game viewing; Na anKuse reserve and conservation

Main Attractions:

Namibia: Sossusvlei, Fish River, Swakopmund, Namib Desert, Erindi, Kalahari

Map & Short Itinerary:


Day 1  Windhoek Gardens Hotel Windhoek
Day 2  Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch campsite
Day 3–7 Fish River Klipsringer Hiking Trail serviced camping & Canyon Roadhouse
Day 8&9 Klein Aus Vista campsite for Luderitz & Kolmanskop
Day 10&11 TokTokkie Trails NamibRand hiking & serviced camping
Day 12&13 Sesriem for Sossusvlei
Day 14&15 Swakopmund Sands Hotel Swakopmund
Day 16&17  Camp Elephant  Erindi Private Game Reserve
Day 18  N/a an Kuse Lodge Greater Windhoek
Day 19  End of safari

Map & Itinerary

Day 1  Utopia Boutique Hotel Windhoek
Day 2  Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
Day 3–7 Fish River Hiking Trail serviced camping & Fish River Lodge
Day 8&9 Klein Aus Vista for Luderitz & Kolmanskop
Day 10&11 Tok Tokkie Trails NamibRand hiking & serviced camping
Day 12&13  Desert Hills Lodge for Sossusvlei
Day 14&15 Swakopmund Sands Hotel Swakopmund
Day 16&17  Old Traders Lodge Erindi Private Game Reserve
Day 18  Na an Kuse Lodge Greater Windhoek
Day 19  End of safari

Map & Itinerary
Length 19 days
Safari Type Self Drive Safari
Price From NAD 37000
Countries Namibia
Group Size Minimum 1 people
Single Supplement Yes
Please Note Subject to availability of accommodation
Departures On Request

Comfort Level:

Detailed Itinerary:

Day 1 Windhoek

Collect your vehicle and your first night is in the capital city where you can enjoy the sights

Day 2  Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch, Kalahari

Your adventure begins as today takes you to beautiful Kalahari Desert with linear dunes and grassy tree–lined valleys, perhaps look out for desert–adapted game including oryx, ostrich, giraffe and springbok, there is a chance to enjoy a walk with the Bushman the following morning

Day 3–7  Fish River Canyon hiking & Canyon Roadhouse CAMPING TOUR

For those with the camping itinerary, this self–guided hike enjoys nights in dorm–style huts each night, with luggage transported between camps along with your food to prepare each evening so this hike is for the more adventurous individual.  Day hikes follow well–marked trails and cover around 8–12km a day, enjoy the stunning canyon landscapes, rugged valleys and stony plains bordered by the rock walls as you trek your way to each daily destination. Your final night will be spent in accommodation at Canyon Roadhouse

Day 3–7  Fish River Canyon hiking & Fish River Lodge ACCOMMODATED TOUR

For those on the accommodated tour, the 5night canyon hike departs from Fish River Lodge and the first/last nights are spent in the lodge. The hike itself is an invigorating 64km journey of discovery within a private reserve in the magnificent Fish River Canyon where you can explore the area and wonder at the impressive geological features.  A guide will accommpany you on the journey to reveal the resilient flora and fauna of this harsh landscape, and at the end of the each day hike, a private camp is set up with tents, stretcher beds and a private chef to serve meals.  Most days cover around 16–17km and will cross the Fish River, including scrambling over rocks, as well as descending and ascending the canyon watching out for game such as kudu, springbok and maybe even mountain zebra.

Day 8&9  Klein Aus Vista for Luderitz & Kolmanskop

Making your way to Klein Aus, this little gem of a place sits beside the Aus Mountains with wonderful views across the Forbidden Desert landscapes – a region until recently was part of the diamond mining region and where visitors were forbidden to enter! You can enjoy further walks, hire a bike or perhaps take a day trip to Luderitz and Kolmanskop Ghost Town – great for photos and where historically, gem–quality diamonds were picked up from the ground.  This wild peninsula is home to African penguins – the northernmost colony, Agate beach and colonial buildings

Day 10&11 Tok Tokkie Hiking Trail, NamibRand Nature Reserve

A contrast in your hiking to the Fish River Canyon, here you’ll be immersed in the desert with a knowledgeable guide who will make the desert come to life – from cartwheeling spiders, to barking geckos and other desert specials, perhaps also spotting animals such as bat–eared fox, oryx, springbok and ostrich.  Your hike will take you through some spectacular landscapes in the oldest desert in the world and each night a private camp will be set up under the stars – this area was named as Africa’s first International Dark Sky Reserve so perfect to enjoy star–gazing.  A chef will provide your meals and a superb dinner at the end of each day.  Highly recommended

Day 12&13  Sesriem area for Sossusvlei

As your hike comes to an end, its a short drive today towards the Namib Naukluft area, famed for the incredible Sossusvlei dunes. On day 13 we recommend you rise early and make the most of the soft, early morning light as you make your way to this UNESCO World Heritage Site, ensure you visit Dead Vlei famed for its ancient and skeletal camel thorn trees standing on the shimmering white pan with the backdrop of apricot dunes and blue sky.  Perhaps climb Big Daddy, a monumental sand dune to appreciate this endless sand sea

Day 14&15 Swakopmund Sands Hotel, Swakopmund

Make your way through to the coastal area of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, here you can enjoy optional activities such as scenic flights over the dunes and desert, marine cruise, or a trip to Sandwich Harbour, for the more adventurous you can sky dive, kayak or quad bike.  Wander around town, visit the quartz museum, and enjoy coffee and cake at one of the many cafes and restaurants offering a wide range of choice

Day 16&17  Erindi Private Game Reserve

Returning inland, the next two nights are spent at Erindi, one of Africa’s largest private game reserves and where game drives offer excellent sightings – look out for predators such as lion, leopard, cheetah and even wild dog, along with the giants of the veld – elephant and rhino.   Plains game abounds from giraffe, to springbok, zebra, wildebeest and much more. There’s even hippo and crocs at the permanent waterholes and the chance to track pangolin .

Day 18  N/’a’an Kuse Lodge, Greater Windhoek

Your final night takes you to N/’a’an Kuse, located about 1hour drive from the capital and an easy drive to the airport. One activity has been included (see itinerary for details), so perhaps join the Ancient San Skills tour to learn about the life of the Bushman, or enjoy a carnivore feeding tour, guided walk, even the meerkat experience – entertainment is guaranteed watching these wonderful animals

Day 19  Airport – end of services

Drop your vehicle and take onward connection. End of services

How we rate our safaris

Namibia, Botswana and some other African destinations do not have a set star system that is familiar worldwide to many countries, however, as this is widely used, we have tried to replicate this format to give you an idea of the level of comfort during your safari. For example, a mobile camping tour in Namibia is given 1* and luxury accommodation increasing to 5*. Depending on your tour, there may be a bit of a mix of levels of comfort so please check if you are not sure.

1* or 1–2* Rated Safaris – Camping tours:

These are generally scheduled/small group or self–drive safaris (though a private–guided safari can also fall into this category if you wish to camp); the scheduled trips generally involve client participation where you may be expected to put up/take down your tent and assist with camp chores, dome tents and a ground mattress is supplied. For self–drive options this will often mean roof tents on the vehicle and all camping equipment. There may be the occasional night in simple accommodation but majority of nights are spent camping and most camp sites will have shared ablution facilities. If there is a good mix of both camping and accommodation, this may be rated at 1&2*. These are the most basic level of safaris offered and scheduled safari group sizes vary according to the trip and company – 1* tours are the most affordable option and geared for adventurous travellers who do not mind a bit of discomfort.

Accommodated Safaris

Standard/Mid–range safaris 2–3.5*

Standard accommodation style trips generally have no camping included (though on occasion with a specific activity such as a Delta or Serengeti excursion, or perhaps hiking, a couple of nights may be included). As a general rule this is not the case. With most small group/scheduled tours accommodation is generally 2/3* level – clean and affordable but generally without too many frills; rooms will have en–suite facilities, most will offer air con/fans in the rooms, swimming pools etc (not guaranteed), restaurant/bar facilities, though location can be a little further away from main place of interest this option offers excellent value for money for those seeking a bed each night! We try to indicate on each trip the level of comfort for the particular tour

Superior/Luxury Safaris 3.5–5*

A superior style of accommodation. Most lodges at this level will have air–conditioning or fans in the room though some accommodation establishments are technically “camps” as they may be partially build of canvas – these “camps” are permanent fixtures, generally built on a platform, and will have full and comfortable facilities – the occasional trip may have a more basic night or two involved depending on location to ensure clients can fully appreciate the region they are experiencing. Service is generally very good and most places (outside of towns/cities) will have just a few rooms/chalets. Tours in this bracket include very small group safaris (up to 8 clients), self–drive and private–guided options which are tailored to suit you. The luxury options offer a high standard of accommodation, facilities and service in the region with attention to detail – some “camps” /lodges will have private guides and vehicles, but all accommodation is the best available with personalized service and a quality or unique experience perhaps unavailable elsewhere or in a more moderate price bracket. Tours include fly–in safaris, self–drive and private–guided options.

Please note: this is a guideline only and each destination can vary – some areas in Southern Africa do not always have 5* accommodation (there are limited hotels outside of cities that have the same * grading accommodation) but will be best in the area, have limited volume of rooms and some of the best locations and experiences for clients that is outside of the normal “tourist/travel” route. This can include exclusive conservation regions and emphasis is place on clients having a unique experience rather than offering hairdresser type of facilities that may be found is hotels in cities in other countries. Please also remember that some of these locations can be remote so wifi may not always be available, nor a huge menu range.

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Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
08.00 – 17.00
08.00 – 13.00
Sunday & Public Holidays


7 Voigt St,  Windhoek